Wear Green To Support Agriculture Tomorrow!
Make plans to sport a green shirt tomorrow, April 18, for the third annual “Wear Green To Support Agriculture Day!” Wear green to work and strike up a conversation with consumers about the importance of agriculture in their daily lives.
The event details are available on Facebook where the creators, Barrett Smith and Rachel Erin, state, “Agriculture impacts everyone, no matter who you are, where you live or what you do. Our goal for this year is 17,000 people who will proudly say they support agriculture. Last year, we had very good turnout and are looking to improve upon it again this year.”
Smith and Erin are both heavily involved in production agriculture and hope the green shirts will help spread the word and educate consumers about agriculture and food production.
“In the face of changing times and communication, which is not always clear, we ask that everyone stand up and support agriculture by wearing green on April 18. We started this event as two concerned college students two years ago. We see even more need to continue spreading a positive message about agriculture as we continue on in our lives post-higher education. Think of the impact that you can have by inviting your friends to join and sharing your stories.”
In light of the recent controversy surrounding lean finely textured beef (LFTB), this event is incredibly important to turn around the conversation from negative, fearful speculation to enthusiastic confidence in American agriculture. With Beef Month just around the corner, “Wear Green Day” is the perfect way to kick things off and get the ball rolling in a positive direction.